I’ve wanted to place my Sonos One speakers on floor stands since buying them (one either side of the couch).
Flexson and Sanus floor stands are readily available in my local market, but they’re very expensive. Some of these stands cost more than the Sonos One speaker itself. I just couldn’t justify that sort of expense, so I started looking for a cheaper alternative.
Amazon AU is selling $49.95 AUD stands (per stand, delivered), so I thought I’d give them a try. I bought 2.
The stands (sold by Selby Acoustics via Amazon) were delivered quickly, and extremely well packed. Cardboard box within a box, and plenty of protective foam and cardboard. All of the stand components were delivered unmarked and perfect.
The stands require assembly. A small phillips head screwdriver is required to complete assembly (a small allen/hex key is included for some of the screws).
I began by attaching the base to the stalk, via 3 allen/hex screws.
Next the speaker base needs to be attached to the stalk via 2 phillips screws. That completes the assembly process. These stands are very rigid, and there are no signs of wiggle.
Attaching the Sonos One speakers
The Sonos One speaker needs to have its power cord removed for installation, and fed through the hole in the base of the stand.
The cord is then attached to the speaker, and the speaker is pressed down onto the floor stand.
Then the power cabling can be neatly hidden in the stand stalk. Done.
The stands:
– are very well priced (cheap even)
– solid, sturdy
– well built
– heavy (they won’t rattle or wiggle around)
– hide the power cable with an integrated channel
– look great
Any negatives?
I really need to clutch at straws to think about anything negative about these stands. Maybe:
– strange that there is a combination of phillips and allen/hex screws
– once mounted, the Sonos One doesn’t sit 10000% flush to the base, with a minor lip being visible
If you are after a cost effective Sonos One (or Play 1) stand, just get it.